Annual Planner

The Archdiocese of Imphal has annual acivity programme which is circulated at the beginning of every annual calendar year. It is circulated to all parishes, schools and convents. It miticulously conducts the envisaged programs. Below is given the annual activity plan for the year 2024.

January 2024

01 (Mon)         : Feast of Mary Mother of God & World Day of Peace         

03 (Wed)         : Recollection for Brothers in Regency at 5.30 p.m.

10 (Wed)         : Recollection for Priests at 5.30 p.m. 

15 (Mon)         : Congregational Feast of SVD

18 (Thurs)        : Death Anniversary of Rev. Fr. Mathew Vellilakatt

                        : Christian Unity Week (18-25)

24 (Wed)         : St. Francis de Sales (Feast of MSFS) 

: Daughters of St. Francis de Sales (Feast, DSFS)

: Patronal Feast of SDB, FMA, MSMHC 

26 (Fri)            : Republic Day of India

27 (Sat)           : Angela Merici (Feast of UFS)

31 (Wed)         : St. John Bosco (Feast of the Salesians of Don Bosco)

: Last day to submit the Annual Statistics to the Chancery office

February    2024

06 (Tue)           : Priestly Ordination Anniversary of Archbishop Emeritus Dominic Lumon

07 (Wed)         : Recollection for Priests at 5.30 p.m. ‘

11 (Sun)          : World Day of the Sick

14 (Wed)         : Ash Wednesday (Day of Prayer, Fast and Abstinence)

18 (Sun)          : Death Anniversary of Fr. T.J. Chacko 

20 (Tue)           : World Day of Social Justice

24 (Sat)           : Priests’ Senate Meeting at 9.30 a.m

26 (Mon)         : St. Joaquina De Vedruna (CCV Foundation Day)

March        2024

06 (Wed)         : Recollection for Brothers in Regency at 5.30 p.m.

08 (Fri)            : International Women’s Day  

09 (Sat)           : Consulters meeting at 9.30.00 am 

13 (Wed)         : Recollection for Priests at 5.30 p.m.

15 (Fri)            : St. Louis de Marillac (Feast of Daughters of Charity, DC

16 (Sat)           : Finance Committee Meeting at 9.30 a.m

19 (Tue)           : Feast of St. Joseph, the Patron of the Archdiocese

                        : Feast of SJSM (Sisters of St. Joseph of Saint Marc) 

                        : Feast of St. Joseph Annecy, (SJA Sisters) 

24 (Sun)          : Palm Sunday

26 (Tue)          Joint Recollection for Priests and Religious at 9.30. am 

                        : Chrism Mass at 6.00 pm 

28 (Thur)        : Holy Thursday

29 (Fri)           : Good Friday (Day of fast and abstinence (age 14 and up) 

30 (Sat)           : Holy Saturday/Easter Vigil

31 (Sun)          : EASTER SUNDAY           

April      2024

3 (Wed)           : Recollection for Brothers in Regency at 5.30 p.m

7 (Sun)            : Episcopal Ordination Anniversary of Most Rev. Dominic Lumon, Archbishop


10 (Wed)         : Recollection for Priests at 5.30 p.m.

21 (Sun)          : World Day of Prayer for Vocations 

: Vocation Sunday (Collection for Seminarians) 

: Anniversary of the Erection of the Diocese of Imphal

26 (Fri)            : Birthday of Archbishop Linus Neli 

29 (Mon)         : Death Anniversary of Rev. Fr. Mathew Manianchira

                        : Last date to submit School & Parish Accounts to Economer

30 (Tue)           : Last date to submit School & Parish Accounts to Economer

May   2024

01 (Wed)         : St. Joseph, the Worker (May Day

: Recollection for Brothers in Regency at 5.30 p.m

08 (Wed)         : Recollection for Priests at 5.30 p.m.

12 (Sun)          : Ascension of the Lord (Solemnity)

: St. Dominica Mazzarello (Feast of FMA) 

15 (Wed)         : International Day of Families

: Death Anniversary of Frs. Raphael Paliakara SDB, Andreas Kindo SDB & 

  Bro. Shinu SDB

18 (Sat)           : Sts. B. Capitanio  & V. Gerosa (Feast of the sisters of Charity, SCCG)

19 (Sun)          : Pentecost Sunday    

20 (Mon)         : Congregational Feast of Sisters of St. Joseph of Annecy (SJA)

23 (Thurs)        : Foundation Day of Sacred Heart Congregation. 

: Death Anniversary of Rev. Fr. Albert Khartu 

24 (Fri)            : Mary Help of Christians (Feast of MSMHC)

: Patronal feast of SDB, FMA            

26 (Sun)          : Holy Trinity Sunday 

31 (Fri)            : Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 

: Feast; Visitation Sisters of Don Bosco 

: Last Date to Submit the Lenten Collections

June     2024

01 (Sat)           : Birthday of Archbishop Dominic Lumon. (Archbishop Emeritus)

02 (Sun)          : Corpus Christi (Body and Blood of Christ)

: Congregation Feast of SABS (Sisters of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament) 

5 (Wed)           : Recollection for Brothers at 5.30 p.m.

: World Environment Day 

7 (Fri)              : Feast of Sacred Heart of Jesus (SH) 

8 (Sat)             : Immaculate Heart BVM     

                        : APC General Body Meeting 10.a.m. 

29 (Sat)           : Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul 

                        : Last date to submit Vocation Sunday Collections

24-29               : (Monday – Saturday) Days set aside for Retreat for the Priests

July     2024

01 (Mon)         : Foundation Day of Sisters of the Queen of the Apostles (SRA)

03 (Wed)         : Recollection for Priests 

: St. Thomas (Feast of St. Thomas Minor Seminary

11 (Thurs         : Death Anniversary of Archbishop Emeritus Joseph Mittathany       

8-13 (Monday – Saturday)  Days set aside for Retreat for Regent Brothers 

16 (Tue)           : Our Lady of Mount Carmel 

: Feast of CMC, 

                        : Feast of Bethany Sisters

: Death Anniversary of Rev. Fr. Joseph Kachiramattam 

15-20 (Monday-Friday) Days set aside for Refresher Course Cum Annual Retreat for

                         Trained Serving Catechists 

31 (Wed)         : St. Ignatius of Loyola (Feast of the Society of Jesus)

22nd July - 30th August 2024: Women Catechist Course (WCC). 40 days Programme for 25 participants 

August    2024

01 (Thurs)        : Anniversary of the Elevation of the Diocese to Archdiocese in 1995

04 (Sun)          : St. John Mary Vianney (Patron of Parish Priests)

07 (Wed)         : Priests’ Recollection at 5.30 p.m

08 (Thurs)       : St. Dominic (Feast Day of Archbishop Emeritus Dominic Lumon)

11(Sun)           : St. Clare (Feast of FCC)

: International Youth Day

15 (Thurs)        : Indian Independence Day (Assumption of Blessed. Virgin Mary)

22 (Thurs)        : Queenship of Mary (Feast of the Missionaries of Charity, MC

26 (Mon)         : Feast of Carmelite Sisters of Charity, Vedruna, CCV

30 (Fri)            : Death Anniversary of Rev. Fr. Shaji Sebastian 

September  2024

04 (Wed)         : Recollection for Brothers in Regency at 5.30 p.m

05 (Thurs)        : Teacher’s Day 

: St. Teresa of Kolkata (Feast Day of MC)

08 (Sun)          : Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

11 (Wed)         : Priests’ Recollection at 5.30 p.m

11-13 (Wed –Friday)   : Catechism Teachers Training (CCT) 3 days programme for 25 participants 


18-20 (Wed –Friday)   : Catechism Teachers Training (CCT) 

14 (Sat)           : Exaltation of the Cross 

15 (Sun)          : Our Lady of Sorrows (Feast of Holy Cross Sisters, CSC)

25-27 (Wed-Friday): Family Counseling Course (FCC)  3 days programme for 25 participants

21 (Sat)           : International Day of Peace

23(Mon)          : St. Linus (Feast Day of Archbishop Linus Neli)

27 (Fri)            : Feast of St. Vincent de Paul, Congregational feast of Vincentian Fathers 

30 (Mon)         : Foundation Day of MSFS

October  2024

02 (Wed)         : Feast of Guardian Angels, Gandhi Jayanti (International Day of Non-Violence) 

           : Recollection for Brothers in Regency at 5.30 pm

04 (Fri)            : St. Francis of Assisi (Feast of OFM Cap., UFS and FCC)

05 (Sat)           : APC Executive Meeting

7-13 (Mon-Fri): Marriage Preparation Course (MPC) 5 days programme for 20 participants

09 (Wed)         : Recollection for Priests at 5.30 p.m.

11(Fri)             : International Day of the Girl Child

12 (Sat)           : Finance Committee meeting at 9.30 am 

18-21(Fri-Mon) : Archdiocesan Vocation Camp


19 (Sat)           : Priests’ Senate Meeting at 9.30 a.m.

20 (Sun)          : World Mission Sunday (Special Collection for Missions)

21 (Mon)         : Founder’s Day of UFS

24 (Thurs)      : Congregational Feast of Cmf

26 (Sat)           : APC General Body Meeting at 9.30 am. 

November  2024

01 (Fri)            : All Saints Day

02 (Sat)           : All Souls Day

06 (Wed)         : Recollection for Brothers in Regency at 5.30 p.m

09 (Sat)           : Consulters Meeting at 10.00 am 

13 (Wed)         : Recollection for Priests at 5.30 p.m.

: Mass for our Departed Clergy & Religious 6.30 a.m.

14 (Thurs)        : Children’s Day

15 (Fri)            : Congregational Feast of CSSE

18 (Mon)         : Death Anniversary of Rev. Fr. MC. John 

21 (Thurs)      : Foundation Day of SCCG

                        : Feast of Christ the King (Special Collection for Seminary) 

22 (Fri)            : Death Anniversary of Rev. Fr. P.C. Mani Immanuel

24 (Sun)          : Feast of Christ the King

26 (Tue)          : Death Anniversary of Rev. Fr. Mathew Planthottam 

30 (Sat)           : Last date to submit Mission Sunday Collections

December   2024

01 (Sun)          : First Sunday of Advent/Communio Sunday

02 (Mon)         : Death Anniversary of Rev. Fr. Shajan Jacob

: World AIDS Day

03 (Tue)          : St. Francis Xavier, Patron of India

: International Day of Persons with Disability

04 (Wed)         : Recollection for Brothers in Regency at 5.30 p.m 

07 (Sat)           : Finance Committee Meeting at 9.30 a.m.

08 (Sun)          : Episcopal Ordination Anniversary of Most Rev. Linus Neli

: Immaculate Conception (Feast Day of MSI & (Foundation) SMMI)

10 (Tue)          : International Human Rights Day

11 (Wed)         : Recollection for Priests at 5.30 p.m  

19 (Thurs)       : Anniversary of the Dedication of St. Joseph’s Cathedral 

20 (Fri)            : Priestly Ordination Anniversary of Most Rev. Linus Neli 

25 (Wed)         : Nativity of the Lord/Christmas Day.

31 (Tue)           : Thanksgiving Adoration in St. Joseph’s Cathedral at 4.30 p.m.


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